Who we are

This Charity was formed by the combination of the five Warwick apprenticing charities which had been formed during the 17th and 18th centuries – those of Sir Thomas Puckering, John Hadley, George Webb, Richard Lane and Sir Thomas Delves. There had been a number of other apprenticing charities but some became lost and others became merged with other town charities. The combination of the five was effected by an order and scheme of the Charity Commission dated 28th November 1930.

Our outgoings were beginning to outstrip our income and so during recent years the short fall has been met by generous donations from other local charities – The King Henry VIII Endowed Trust, The Warwick Relief in Need Charity and also lately The Warwick Apprenticing Charities.


The present Trustees are:-

Co-opted Trustees

Terry Brown (Chairman)

Mrs Pauline Fawcett

Mr Neil Thurley

John Labrum

Stephen Morley

Jenny Morris

Nominative Trustees

Moira-Ann Grainger

Stephen Cross

Ex-Officio Trustees

Rev Jonathan Hearn

Revd Diane Thompson